Characteristic modular tailormade concept
Tilburg, Breda, The Hague, Utrecht and Haarlem, the Netherlands
At Eazie you can enjoy a quick, authentic Asian meal. Freshly made with healthy, high quality ingredients. The method revolves around fast processing, easy and above all healthy food. Food that is not only important for your body, but also for your soul. With this starting point, Sandenburg Concept Creation and Redie Interieurs developed the renewed concept, a contemporary look & feel and design for the future Eazie stores.
Eazie's wish was to translate the existing interior concept into a new visual identity. In this process, Sandenburg mainly looked at the right look & feel of the concept. Redie interiors subsequently worked out everything technically with the objective of modular construction, in order to keep processing and construction time as short as possible. In every branch, the same materials and principles are used, just like the characteristic wall prints, of course fully adapted to the location.
In the new concept, distinctive materials have been used, namely Bamboo and LG Hi-Macs tops. Production, processing and finishing of the Bamboo as well as of the Hi-Macs tops are fully realized in-house at Redie.

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